Service your car with Valencia Auto Performance Every 3,000 – 10,000 miles – GET OUR OIL CHANGE SPECIAL – Come On In GET PROMO CODE
Most car manufacturers recommend that you have your oil changed every 3,000 – 10,000 miles. Your owner’s manual will give you specific oil change recommendations for your car. If your oil level gets too low or old, it can lead to a variety of problems that are both dangerous and expensive. Here are a few of the top reasons why you shouldn’t skip oil changes in Santa Clara for any reason.
MOBILE 1 OIL CHANGE SPECIAL $69.95 (Regularly $79.95) Includes Oil and Filter.
Includes: Lube, Oil & Filter Change, Top Off Fluids, Cooling System Inspection, Battery Voltage Test, and Free 33-Point Complete Vehicle Inspection
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