Pro-Fitness SCV is a one-stop shop where you can shape up, get fit and look your best, so give us a call at 661-645-1656.
Why should weight loss be a drag? Why should it make you shun a good workout and feel like you’re never going to win that battle? Well listen up: Personal trainer Chuck Branda of Pro-Fitness SCV can get you on track and it won’t be drudgery. Quite the contrary, it will actually be a lot of fun!
Chuck has put a spin on the process that actually makes it, well … enjoyable! Chuck has a weight loss challenge that will run from Jan. 15 to Feb. 12. Lose 4 percent of your body weight in four weeks and you’ll win!
And along the way, it will actually be fun! Chuck will provide daily diet and exercise tips and you’ll be able to earn prizes at the halfway point! We all know that losing weight can be hard – particularly with all the fast-food joints that are around. And things get even worse during the Christmas season when everyone is having parties and food seems to be everywhere.
So maybe you need to get involved with a fitness program. Chuck can craft a personal fitness plan for you that addresses exercise, diet and weight loss. And with a personalized plan your results will be much better than you’d get by simply going to a gym.
The first of January is just like any other day of the year, so when it comes to setting and working towards new goals, it doesn’t really make any sense to wait for a turn in the calendar to get started. Why put something as important as your health and wellness on the back burner when you can start making improvements right now?
At Pro-Fitness SCV we believe in changing lives through fitness. The professional skills of certified personal trainer Chuck Branda along with our state-of-the-art facility are all we need to transform your life!
We’re at 23734 Valencia Blvd. Suite # 110 Santa Clarita. Call us at 661-645-1656 to set up an appointment.
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