House of BMRS offers top-notch repair service, and you’ll pay far less than you’d pay at a dealership – call us at 661-299-9290 for more information.

That squeak you’ve been hearing underneath your car isn’t going to go away anytime soon. And the brakes? If you go down one more steep hill you might find yourself firmly lodged in someone’s back yard. If any of this sounds like your situation, it’s probably time for a thorough tuneup.

And when your car needs a tuneup or oil change, you want to go to a business that knows what it’s doing. A business that knows the ins and outs of your particular make and model of car. Because if you don’t have a handle on that, you’re never going to get your car in tip-top shape.

If you’re like most people, you tend to let these things slide until you notice there’s a problem. It could be a random squeak, or the subtle squeal of a fan belt that’s about to break.

If you find yourself in that position — particularly if you have a BMW or Mini Cooper — you need to come to House of BMRS for service. We have trained professionals who can get your car back in shape again.

When we’re done giving your car a once-over you won’t hear that squeaking fan belt or that knocking noise that signals something is wrong with your pistons. You’ll just hear a finely tuned engine again.

When you bring your car into House of BMRS you will get great service and amazing results.

House of BMRS
27264 Camp Plenty Road 
Santa Clarita, CA 91351